en-us Sat, 04 May 2024 11:23:09 -0400 PhotoPost Pro 8.0 60 My music friendly HT <a href=";title=my-music-friendly-ht&amp;cat=2"><img title="239465IMG_2008.JPG" border="0" src="" alt="239465IMG_2008.JPG" /></a><br /><br />by: techgirl<br /><br />Description}: Just finished building this home theater. Still got to clean up some wiring but here's a sneak peak. Speakers are Dynaudio 52SEs for left/right/center. Rear surrounds are Dynaudio 42s. Subwoofer is HSU STF-2. Power amp is Rotel RMB-1075. Processor is Rotel RSP-1068. CD Player is Rotel RCD-1072. DVD player is Pioneer DV-563 universal. **Update** JVC 52&quot; D-ILA HDTV All components are sitting on a Salamander Synergy rack. BlueJeans AV cables and MIT MusicHose speaker cables. Limited budget has only allowed me to purchase a system that do well at both (2CH &amp; HT) but not superior. Still saving money for a dedicated 2 CH setup. But let me know what you think! <br /><br />32 comments Tue, 03 Aug 2004 23:29:30 -0400